HumAnimUS 2
Animals and Cinema
ed. by Dario Martinelli and Viktorija Lankauskaitė
- Introduction by Dario Martinelli and Viktorija Lankauskaitė
- Bears on Screen: From Cinematic Monsters to Agents of Multispecies Empathy by Natan Feltrin
- Non-human Animals as Objective Correlatives: Peter Morgan’s The Crown and the Role of Montage by Viktorija Lankauskaitė
- Transcending the Anthropocentric Vision: the Non-human Animal as Subject in Contemporary Cinema by Luca Lunardi and Fabiano D’Este
- Fellini and Epiphanic Animals by Roberto Marchesini
- Alfred Hitchcock and the (not so) Ordinary Terror of The Birds by Dario Martinelli
- Nurturing Hope in a Waste Land of Poverty: Exploring
Epimelesis in De Sica’s Umberto D. by Cosetta Veronese