- Theatre / performance studies meet zooanthropology Ethological, ethical and relational dimensions in interspecies performance. – Laura Budriesi.
- Hybrid Ancestors. The zoomimesis in the palaeoperformances – Emanuele Regi.
- Animality, a gender issue. – Enrico Novello.
- A Theatre beyond the Human: Animal Epiphanies on the Italian scene. – Francesco Dallagà.
- Beyond the human body: animal imagery in Italian experimental theatre in the Nineties. – Ludovica Campione
- Zoanthropological approaches to creative processes. – Riccardo Balestra.
- The Performative body as a meeting place with the heterospecific. – Chiara Venturini.
- Relational Cyberspaces Speculations on future virtual ecosystems. – Leonardo Sbabo.
- “Parco delle biodiversità”. A Posthuman Witness. – Nicola Fania.
- Metamorphosis of a relationship. – Daria Menichetti.