
The ISZ is funded by donations and membership fees. Your support as a member is therefore essential to guarantee our work. As a member, you have free access to the journals ANIMAL Studies and HumAnimUS, you can attend events for free and benefit from discounts on courses, lectures and other initiatives.
You can support us in three ways:

    • as an ordinary member (100 CHF or 95 € per year).
    • as a sponsor (250 CHF or 240 € per year).
    • as a donor (if you want to support us with a donation in CHF or €, please use the bank details below). Your name will appear among the donors in our database. If you prefer to preserve your anonymity, specify this in the ‘reason for payment’.


Bank details (payment in CHF)

IBAN: CH08 0900 0000 1562 1617 4

Account no.: 15-621617-4



Bank details (payment in €)

IBAN: CH83 0900 0000 1562 1618 2

Account no.: 15-621618-2



Bank address: PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern

Our address: International Society of Zooanthropology, Sunnetalstrasse 35, 8117 Fällanden (CH).