
The purpose of the Board is to disseminate zooanthropology internationally through the organization of events, courses, publications, and anything that can promote a proper zooanthropological culture.


Roberto Marchesini

Honorary President

Roberto Marchesini is a philosopher, ethologist and zooanthropologist. Director of the Centro Studi di Filosofia Postumanista (Centre for the Study of Posthumanist Philosophy) and of SIUA (School for Human-Animal Interaction), he has authored over a hundred publications in the fields of philosophy, ethology and bioethics, including: Post-human. Verso nuovi modelli di esistenza (2002), Il tramonto dell’uomo. La prospettiva Postumanista (2009), Fondamenti di zooantropologia (2014), Epifania animale. L’oltreuomo come rivelazione (2014), Etologia filosofica. Alla ricerca della soggettività animale (2016), Emancipazione dell’animalità (2017) and Etologia cognitiva (2018). His works published in English include: Over the Human (2017), Beyond Anthropocentrism: Thoughts for a Posthuman Philosophy (2019), Critical Ethology and Post-Anthropocentric Ethics: Beyond the Separation between Humanities and Life Sciences (2021), The Virus Paradigm (2021) and The Creative Animal (2022). He directs the journal Animal Studies and gives talks about the relationship between humans, the other species and technology all over the world.

Cosetta Veronese


Cosetta Veronese owns a Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Venice and a Ph.D. in Italian Studies from the University of Birmingham (UK). Here she lectured for several years, offering courses in Italian language, cinema, literature and culture, before moving to Switzerland, where she worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Basel until 2015. Thanks to her life-long passionate study of the poetry and philosophy of Giacomo Leopardi, she has approached posthumanism and zooanthropology, disciplines to which she has devoted herself with heart and mind over the last 5 years. She is currently teaching in a secondary school in Zurich. She collaborates with the  publisher wortesekundant and with the Centro Studi di Filosofia Postumanista. She is a dog educator SIUA and a member of the  editorial staff of Animal Studies.


Manuela Macelloni

Vice president

Manuela Macelloni is a philosopher and a dog educator SIUA (School for Human-Animal Interaction). In 2003, she was awarded the “Premio Selezione Poesia” and published the poetry collection Vanità d’immenso. She has coordinated research projects at the Centro Studi di Filosofia Postumanista for years, and she is now the Vice-President of the International Society of Zooanthropology. She is also the Chief Editor of Animal Studies and of the journal Chimere as well as a tutor at SIUA. Together with E. Baioni and L. M. Cuadrado Payeras, she is co-editor of the Abbecedario del postumanismo (Mimesis 2021). She has published articles in numerous journals, including Dianoia, Bollettino della società filosofica italiana, Shift and the International Journal of Philosophical Studies. She has also participated at several national and international conferences. Under the tutorship of Prof. Marchesini, she is furthering her studies in philosophy, ethology, anthropology and zooanthropology.


Andreas Moser


Andreas Moser owns a Ph.D. in Politics from the University of Zurich, a postgraduate degree in Human Resources and one in Management. After working for more than twenty years in the insurance and financial sector in Switzerland and abroad, he now teaches in a secondary school in the Canton of Zurich. He also writes and publishes poetry and fiction for the publisher wortesekundant. He is interested in cultural and political relations between the East and the West, in poetry and prose, in gender relations, and, more recently, he has taken an interest in zooanthropology.