
Association International Society of Zooanthropology

1. Name and domicile

The International Society of Zooanthropology (ISZ) has been established as an association according to Art. 60 ff. ZGB. Its registered office is in Sunnetalstrasse 35, 8117 Fällanden. The association shall be independent in terms of politics and religion.

2. Objective and purpose

The association’s purpose is: to encourage and promote the dissemination of zooanthropology worldwide by bringing together people who:

  1. adopt a zooanthropological approach in the study of the relationship between humans and animals;
  2. work in the educational, welfare and rehabilitation service sectors and follow a zooanthropological approach (see point 2 below).

The ISZ stands as guarantor of the zooanthropological guidelines.

1. The ISZ:

a) assumes that the relationship with other species is fundamental for the construction of the human condition;

b) enhances the importance of a relationship based on reciprocation and dialogue with the animal otherness, which has to be respected in its own peculiar characteristics.

2. The aim of the ISZ is to establish a body, which operates as guarantor of zooanthropology from an epistemic perspective as well as from the perspective of its applied implications. The ISZ is an international guarantor body for scholars and professionals working in the field of zooanthropology in various capacities and in full respect for, and adherence to, the ideas below.

3. Zooanthropology is an epistemological structure systematized in Italy by the philosopher Roberto Marchesini during the 1990s. Its purpose is to study the intersubjective relationship between humans and other species along with its resulting referential implications. The notion of relationship lies at the core of zooanthropology and it is interpreted in a new light, which underscores its intersubjective and referential characteristics.

As a consequence, zooanthropology contributes an additional approach to the already existing ones:

a) the stimulatory or surrogate vision, which features in the traditional psychological approach;

b) an instrumental interpretation of the animal as being “good-for” something, which characterizes the anthropological and zootechnical approaches;

c) the interactive view drawn from ethology and ecology, according to which relationships are to be assessed in terms of species rather than of individuals.

What distinguishes zooanthropology from other research fields on human-animal relations (anthropozoology, animal studies, etc.) is that it goes beyond a trans-multidisciplinary approach by defining its own epistemological framework on the basis of the following principles:

a) The non-human animal is an ‘otherness’, namely, a being different from the human, yet endowed with a subjectivity of its own.

b) The relationship between a human and a non-human animal is always dialogical.

c) There are multiple levels of encounter at which the relationship between humans and animals may deploy.

d) A relationship always prefigures contributions that might ignite changes in humans; consequently, in zooanthropology there is something which is called the “animal reference”.

e) The encounter with the non-human animal is always an epiphany, namely, the revelation of new existential dimensions otherwise inaccessible to humans.

f) According to zooanthropology, human attributes have to be considered hybrid products, resulting from an encounter with non-human animals.

4. The ISZ does not pursue any commercial purposes and is not for profit. Its governing bodies perform their function on a voluntary basis.

3. Resources

The association shall draw on the following resources to pursue its purpose:

  • membership contributions;
  • income from organising events;
  • subsidies;
  • income from service agreements;
  • donations and grants of any kind.

The financial year of the ISZ begins in February and lasts one year.

4. Activities

The activities of the ISZ aim at promoting and disseminating zooanthropology through:

its Website:

  1. is a bilingual website and a platform for dissemination, which hosts the members’ database;
  2. its journal: Animal Studies. Journal of Zooanthropology, is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal which members will receive for free;
  3. the GIS – International Study Days: GIS is an international conference organized on a yearly basis;
  4. other conferences and events.

5. Membership

The ISZ welcomes membership applications from whoever works in the field of zooanthropology and identifies with its guidelines. Members can be both natural persons (such as students, researchers, professionals, e.g., veterinaries, psychologists, trainers, teachers and AAT handlers) and legal entities (such as universities, foundations, associations and other research and service institutions).

The ISZ distinguishes Ordinary from Supporting Members.

Ordinary members shall consist of natural persons and legal entities who use the association’s services, identify with its purposes and operate according to its ideas.

Supporting members shall consist of natural persons and legal entities who support the association in nonmaterial and financial ways.

Upon proposal of the Board of Directors, individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the association may be awarded honorary membership by the General Meeting. The General Meeting determines the amount of membership contributions, which are payed in January, on a yearly basis.

Honorary members and acting Board members shall be exempt from contribution payments.

Members enjoy the following benefits:

  1. their names and contact details are registered in the database and visible on the website of the ISZ;
  2. they receive the journal of the ISZ, Animal Studies. Journal of Zooanthropology (see point 4b above);
  3. they are offered free registration at GIS and reduced fees for the participation at courses or for study days organized by the ISZ (see point 4c and 4d above).

Applications for membership of the ISZ shall be addressed to the Scientific Ethics Committee (see point 11 below), which is responsible for acceptance or non-acceptance.

Natural persons or legal entities who wish to become members of the ISZ have to:

  • submit an application in which they declare their reasons for wishing to become members of the ISZ;
  • attach a short CV and an ID (for natural persons).
  • provide the Corporate Name and the Company Registration Number (for legal entities).

6. Membership expiry

Membership shall expire:

  • automatically, if members fail to pay their membership contribution despite receiving reminders;
  • upon exclusion or death in the case of natural persons;
  • upon exclusion or dissolution in the case of legal entities.

7. Membership resignation and exclusion

Resignation from the ISZ is possible at the end of the year and occurs automatically if members do not renew their subscription by the end of January.

Members may be excluded from the ISZ at any time in case of infringements against the objectives of the association.

The Board of Directors along with the Scientific Ethics Committee decide upon the exclusion. Members must get a hearing before their exclusion in all cases.

8. Association’s governing bodies

The governing bodies of the association shall consist of:

  1. the General Meeting;
  2. the Board of Directors;
  3. the Scientific Ethics Committee.

9. General Meeting

The General Meeting is the association’s supreme governing body. Ordinary general meetings shall take place once a year in autumn, usually on the Friday afternoon which precedes the date of the GIS (see point 4c above).

The General Meeting is announced 4 months in advance, in conjunction with the announcement of the date of the GIS. Invitations along with a written list of the agenda items shall be sent out by email 10 days prior to the scheduled date.

Submissions to the General Meeting shall be sent in writing to the Board of Directors and all members 30 days in advance of the General Meeting.

The Board of Directors, or one-fifth of the members, may request the convocation of an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time if they state the purpose of the meeting. The meeting shall take place no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the request.

The General Meeting has the following non-withdrawable responsibilities and powers:

  1. approval of the minutes of the last General Meeting;
  2. approval of the annual report of the Board of Directors;
  3. approval of the annual accounts;
  4. discharge of the Board of Directors;
  5. joint or individual election of the Chairperson and the remaining Board of Directors;
  6. determination of the membership contribution;
  7. presentation and approval of the annual budget;
  8. presentation of, and resolution on, programme of activities;
  9. resolution on submissions by the Board and the members;
  10. amendments of the articles of association;
  11. decision on exclusion of members;
  12. resolution on dissolution of the association and appropriation of the liquidation proceeds.

All duly convened General Meetings shall have a quorum of half of the ordinary members present.

The members shall pass resolutions with a relative majority of the votes cast. Abstentions and invalid votes shall not count. In the case of tied votes, the Chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.

Amendments of the articles of association shall require the approval of a two-third majority of the votes cast.

A record shall be prepared of the resolutions that have been passed.

10. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of 7 members.

Their term in office shall amount to three years. A maximum of three subsequent re-election(s) shall be possible.

The Board of Directors shall manage the association’s current affairs and represent the association externally.

It shall pass the regulations.

It shall collect funds.

It may establish working groups (specialised groups).

It may employ or engage individuals to achieve the association’s objectives in return for appropriate compensation.

The Board of Directors has all of the powers that are not entrusted to another body by or pursuant to these articles of association.

The following positions are represented on the Board:

  1. Chairperson;
  2. Deputy Chairperson;
  3. Finances;
  4. Secretary;
  5. Others.

Board members may hold several positions.

The Board of Directors shall convene as often as the association’s affairs require. All members may request the convocation of a meeting, stating grounds for this request.

If none of the members requests an oral discussion, resolutions may be passed in writing (including email).

The members of the Board of Directors shall principally perform their duties on a voluntary basis. They are entitled to the reimbursement of their actual expenses.

11. Scientific Ethics Committee

The Scientific Ethics Committee is composed of internationally renowned figures who have distinguished themselves for research in the field of zooanthropology. Their tasks are to examine membership applications, disseminate zooanthropologal culture in the geographical areas of their competence, assess projects undertaken by the ISZ and work side by side with the Board of Directors.

12. Authorised signatories

The association shall be bound by the collective signatures of the Chairperson and a further Board member.

13. Liability

The association’s assets shall be solely liable for the association’s debts. Personal liability of the members is excluded.

14. Dissolution of the association

The dissolution of the association may be decided by resolution of an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for this purpose. Dissolutions require a voting majority of no less than three quarters of the members present.

Upon dissolution of the association, the association’s assets shall be transferred to a tax-exempt organisation in Switzerland that pursues the same or a similar purpose. Distribution of the assets among the members is excluded.

Entry into force

These articles of association were adopted at the foundation meeting on [foundation date] and entered into force on the same date.