Editorial norms
We welcome contributions (articles, interviews and reviews) in English that are maximum 8,000 words in length. Your contribution should comply with the general guidelines below:
a) Relevance: address issues, questions, or topics that are relevant to the monographic theme of the journal’s issue. Discuss your topic right from the beginning of the text.
b) Clarity and readability: use a clear and accessible language. Make sure that your exposition is clear and that your contribution has a logical and straightforward structure. Focus on a single thesis rather than developing multiple lines of argument. Use an engaging and comprehensible style that is suitable for a wide audience rather than just specialists.
You may submit reports presented at conferences or seminars, provided they have been thoroughly revised and include full citations. When published, the copyright belongs to the journal.
Previously published contributions may appear in translation, prior consent from the first publisher.
To guarantee that a reasonable uniformity is maintained across all the articles, please follow the editorial rules below:
- Use Times New Roman 12, double spaced for your text.
- Format the title of reviews as follows: author’s full name, ‘title of the text’, publisher (series), city year; pages, price. For example:Charles Darwin, ‘The Origin of Species’, Newton Compton (Grandi Tascabili Economici), Rome 2010; pp. 448, 7 euros.
- Use italics, font Times New Roman 12, for section titles. Separate them from the previous and following paragraphs with a double space;
For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum congue commodo nulla eu vehicula. Phasellus faucibus tempus felis, in sollicitudin quam posuere eu. In feugiat, metus vitae suscipit egestas, lectus velit congue dolor, vel ultrices nisl felis vel metus. Integer sapienfelis, adipiscing id eleifend vel, imperdiet sit amet nulla. Aliquam ac lacus eget enim egestas tincidunt.
4. Format section titles and, if present, subsection titles as follows:
1. Titolo
1.1 Sottotitolo
1.1.1 Sotto-sottotitolo
5. When you quote works within the text, follow the American system, as follows: Author [year] or, more specifically, Author [year; page/pages].
For example:
As Darwin [1854] argues, the comparison of fossils…
As Darwin [1854; p. 15] suggests, the comparison…
6. Avoid footnotes, or, at least, keep them to the absolute minimum. If you use them, they should be in Times New Roman 10. Insert the note reference at the end of a sentence, period or quotation, after the punctuation mark.
For example:
…tempus leo at vestibulum. Nam laoreet elit in eros varius blandit.1
…tempus leo at vestibulum. Nam laoreet elit in eros varius blandit».1
7. You should quote sources in the final bibliography as follows:
- Books: Author (Year), Title, Publisher, City.
For example:Rose S. P. R. (1988), Lifelines: Biology Beyond Determinism, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
In case of multiple authors, separate their names by a comma.
For example:
- Books: Author (Year), Title, Publisher, City.
Camazine S., Deneubourg J., Franks N. R., Sneyd J. (2001), Self-Organization in biological systems, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
If you quote from a translation whose introduction is by a different author, your reference should include the names of both the translator and editor.
For example:
Calvino I. (1972), Le città invisibili, Einaudi, Torino. Transl. by W. Weaver (1974), Invisible Cities, ed. by G. Vidal, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego.
- Chapters in edited volumes: Author (Year), “Title”, in Author (Year), Title, Publisher, City, pages.
For example:
- Chapters in edited volumes: Author (Year), “Title”, in Author (Year), Title, Publisher, City, pages.
Hull D. L. (1982), “Philosophy and Biology,” in Fløistad G. (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy, A New Survey, vol. 2: Philosophy of Science, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, pp. 280-316.
- Articles: Author (Year), “Title,” Journal, number, volume, pages.
For example:
Lakoff G., Johnson M. (1980), “Conceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language,” Journal of Philosophy, 77, 8, pp. 453-86. - Unpublished works: Author (Year), “Title,” manuscript or typescript.
- Online publications: Author (Year), “Title,” web address, (access date).
- Articles: Author (Year), “Title,” Journal, number, volume, pages.
8. Use French quotation marks («, ») for quotations that are maximum three lines in length.
Write quotations longer than three lines in a separate paragraph without using quotation marks. The paragraph should be double spaced, font size 11, with a 1cm-right and a 1cm-left indentation. 6 points should also separate the quotation from the preceding and following paragraphs.
9. Signal omissions as follows: […].
10. Signal quotations within quotations with (‘, ’).
11. Use double quotation marks (“, ”) to indicate the improper use of a term or word.
12. Use italics to emphasize a word or expression with a special (possibly technical) meaning. Use italics also for words in foreign languages (if they have not become common usage, e.g., ‘computer’). If you quote a long passage from a language other than English in which some words are highlighted, type these words in font style regular. Signal anychanges made by the author to a quoted text as: “author’s italics”; “emphasis in the text”,
13. Use the short dash (-) without a space between the words to connect two words (e.g., “post-humanism”); use the long dash (–) preceded and followed by a space to separate phrases within a period.
14. All images you add to your text should be numbered (e.g., [Fig. 1]) and referenced. All iconographic material should be copyright free.
15. For further clarifications related to the editorial formatting of texts submitted for publication to Studies in Zooanthropology, send an email to: