
HumAnimUS 1


Animals and the Theatre

ed. by Laura Budriesi


  • Theatre / Performance Studies meet Zooanthropology. Ethological, Ethical and Relational Dimensions in Interspecies Performances by Laura Budriesi
  • Hybrid Ancestors. Zoomimesis in the Palaeoperformances by Emanuele Regi
  • Animality, a Gender Issue by Enrico Novello
  • A Theatre beyond the Human: Animal Epiphanies on the Italian Scene by Francesco Dallagà
  • Beyond the Human Body: Animal Imagery in Italian Experimental Theatre in the Nineties by Ludovica Campione
  • Zoanthropological Approaches to Creative Processes by Riccardo Balestra
  • The Performative Body as a Meeting Place with the Heterospecific by Chiara Venturini
  • Relational Cyberspaces. Speculations on Future Virtual Ecosystems by Leonardo Sbabo
  • “Parco delle biodiversità”. A Posthuman Witness by Nicola Fania
  • Metamorphosis of a Relationship by Daria Menichetti 


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